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CD4541 Binary Counter


The CD4541 Programmable Timer is designed with a 16-stage binary counter, an integrated oscillator for use with an external capacitor and two resistors, output control logic, and a special power-on reset circuit. The special features of the power-on reset circuit are first, no additional static power consumption and second, the part functions across the full voltage range (3V±15V) whether power-on reset is enabled or disabled.Timing and the counter are initialized by turning on power, if the power-on reset is enabled. When the power is already on, an external reset pulse will also initialize the timing and counter. After either reset is accomplished, the oscillator frequency is determined by the external RC network. The 16-stage counter divides the oscillator frequency by any of 4 digitally controlled division ratios. CityTechBD

  • Maximum Supply Voltage (VDD):-0.5V to +18V
  • Input Voltage (VIN) :-0.5V to VDD +0.5V
  • Storage Temperature Range (TS) -65°C to a150°C
  • Power Dissipation (PD): 700 mW
  • Recommended Supply Voltage (VDD) 3V to 15V
  • Recommended Input Voltage (VIN) 0 to VDD


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