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22uF 450V Capacitor


22uF 450V Capacitor in Bangladesh

22uF 450V Capacitor RADIAL Electrolytic Capacitor 22uF Capacitor 450V 22uF Radial Polarized Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors 2 Pin Leads Connections Leg. CityTech BD 

An electrolytic capacitor definition is, it is a polarized capacitor whose anode has a higher or more positive voltage than the cathode. As the name suggests it is a polarized capacitor and an electrolytic capacitor function is, it uses an electrolyte to operate with a higher or more positive voltage on the anode than the cathode. Therefore, the anode terminal is denoted with a positive sign, while the cathode with a negative sign. Applying a reverse polarity voltage of 1 to 1.5 volts may destroy the capacitor and dielectric and the result is hazardous, leading to an explosion or fire. CityTech BD

An electrolytic capacitor uses an electrolyte, in the form of solid, liquid or gel – serves as cathode or negative plate to achieve much higher capacitance per unit volume. On the other hand, a positive plate or anode made of metal acts as an insulating oxide layer formed through anodization. This allows an oxide layer to work as the dielectric of the capacitor. 


  • Capacitor Type: Electrolytic
  • Mounting: THT
  • Capacitance : 22uF
  • Voltage-Rated : 450V
  • Tolerance : ±20%
  • Features : Standard General Purpose
  • Maximum Temperature : 105°C


  • High Temperature Type with Excellent Ratings
  • Long Life
  • Low Leakage Current
  • Easy Mounting
  • RoHS Compliant
  • Snap-in terminals
  • High ripple current
  • Low ESR
  • Stable and reliable performances


  • Used in filtering applications to reduce the ripple in the power supplies
  • Used as a low pass filter to smoothen the input and output signals
  • Used in audio amplification circuits as filters to reduce hum
  • Used in electronic circuits for coupling, decoupling bypass and filtering
  • Electrolytic Capacitor is ideal for crossover networks, speaker boxes and other audio projects.
  • Used to achieve high capacitance value
  • Used in low-frequency applications

Package included:

1 x 22uF 450V Capacitor. CityTech BD 


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